Thursday, August 9, 2012


Recently I had the opportunity to take part in a gathering of men whose sole purpose was to put their physical skill and ability to drink beer to a grueling one day challenge of testicular size and scope.

The Man Games.

Feats of strength, speed, agility and chugging. During the competition you will down around 17-24 beers. This is low to mid quality beer. Being sure to avoid the Keystone cooler at all costs. That does not count the sipping beers to pass the time until your team of two is called in to action. Expect your daily total to be 22-30 beers. This contest was not meant for the faint of heart or World of Warcraft players. It was meant for men. Instead of going into each event, I would like to instead, recap what it takes to have a successful man game experience:

1. No women and no cell phone coverage. This is self explanatory. But I will explanatory it anyways. In order to have your mind and body focused on the task at hand, you cannot be tethered to the grasp of the opposite sex. They cloud the mind and scatter your thoughts. They are your favorite food in the fridge. Out of sight, but within reach, you will be drawn to them. Then you will find the food does not agree with you and wind up leaving early screaming at your food for making you come home.

2. Invite a few people who you are willing to either frame or kill and dispose of their bodies if things go south. Kind of like the opposite of a Bruno Mars song. I will throw a grenade at you. Push you in front of a train, it’s true. You might have to die for us brother, but we won’t do the same. Let me give you a hypothetical situation. 9am and the games are set to start. Everyone is stretching and shaking off the cobwebs from the night before. A ranger approaches with his female partner (assuming subordinate) clapping his hands saying “This is great! This is just awesome! You Guys are great!” Naturally the group feels the ranger is happy to see them. Then the ranger turns evil. His smile to a demented sneer as he unveils his true intentions. “You guys haven’t paid for parking, you’re parked illegally, you’re hacking on a tree with a hatchet and you let off fireworks at two in the morning last night! Either you are all gone when I get back, or I am writing everyone tickets!” He storms away. You try in vain to ask a question as he flexes his pecks to his female accomplice. You are all left standing there wondering who is to blame. Time to turn to the disposables! Thank God we remembered to invite some disposables! As the disposed of participants drive off you are satisfied that the ranger was able to assert his authority while allowing you to stay after assuring him that the perpetrators were expelled from camp.

3. Dress appropriately. In this case, we chose to look like a bunch of dudes on our way to a Chick-Filet protest. Tight clothing, with overtly homosexual messaging as well as brightly colored accessories is a must. This clothing allows for maximum performance during the game due to the form fit and flexibility. It also means that everyone will give their best effort in order to prove that the flamboyant attire is merely a ruse to fool the competition into thinking you are not manly enough

4. Do something stupid and moderately dangerous before and after the games. One example we came up with is “Wrist Rocket Roulette.” Sit in a circle, do a quick hand check, then begin to have your designated sling shot operator shoot his ammunition straight up in the air. Then just wait for it to hit someone on the head. The anticipation of getting struck will give you goose bumps and plenty of giggles. Make sure the biggest and manliest looking among you whines the most during this game. That adds in the ever important comedy factor that you need at any man game event. Light armor can be used for protection. I chose a paper plate to protect my freshly shaved head. A stupid choice like potentially losing an eye will keep things light and funny. This activity never gets old. You can also do easier games like, “Throw the football at people who aren’t looking” Or “Hatchet in a crowd.”

5. Vomit at strategic points in the game, not just when you “feel” like it. I chose to induce vomiting two events prior to the iron man challenge that closes out the games. The iron man is a six pack chugging contest. Three beers per partner. This was a key turning point in team-Some like it hot-s medal hopes as it allowed me to be on an empty stomach going into the finals.

6. Have a gluten intolerant person in attendance. This makes sure you have someone to judge the competition because they can’t drink beer! Make sure you bring a striped tank top and booty shorts to make it clear who the referee is. Try to get them to drink anyway in hopes of seeing the look on their face when the gluten hits their system. We were unfortunate enough to not get to witness it at this year’s event, but hopes are high for 2013.

Put this event on your bucket list. After all, we do things like this for two main reasons. The first and most obvious is for the experience itself. The second reason we do it, is to have a story to tell. Some of the best times I have come when I sit around with friends and we share stories. I want stories to tell. To be able to say “One time I flew from Los Angeles to Oregon to win a little John Wayne trophy for third place in the man games. I wore neon yellow and green trimmed underwear with a tight shirt that said “First Come First Served” on it. I think the park ranger thought he walked up on a Tosh.0 fan club meeting. We all passed out at like ten o’clock and thought Steve was dead when he wasn’t moving the next day.”

To my fellow participants, including the disposables, I extend my thanks. To my wife who was more than happy to have me go-I think I paid you back in full upon my return.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Men plus Women Equal 4

I don't know any better than you why it is I choose to write relationship advice.  I basically have gone out of my way to do everything wrong.  Me being an authority on relationships is like taking child mentoring lessons from Jerry Sandusky.  Heyoooo.  What the hell though.  Maybe I am just the guy who read the book "Failing Forward" and really, really took it to heart.  Recently I had the chance to ponder one of the Mrs. and my latest arguments.  The nature of the argument escapes me but I am sure it was really a very mature one like they always are.  Something along the lines of who should be responsible for washing out the beer pong cups or how does a thirty four year old man still leave racing stripes in his underwear.  You know, life altering stuff.  Shan and I actually do a better job of avoiding the disagreements over things worth disagreeing about, like finances and what to watch on television, instead settling on quibbling over the little things.  So I sit down to help my little princess angel baby sunshine ray daughter do her 11 year old math.  I'll just say, 5th grade math, when you are as far removed from school as I am, could just as well be advanced nuclear calculus.  But I don't tell my daughter that.  I say things like "Heck yes I know how many bananas should be left after the monkey stole the barrel, but Taylor, if I just told you you wouldn't learn anything."  Then I walk away, Google it and come back like frickin Einstein and give her the answer from on high.  Taylor and I were struggling over an equation that I actually knew, like, what is 4 plus zero.  I was trying to relay how to get to the answer and she couldn't get it.  I walk away exasperated and a while later she says that she got it.  I came over to make sure she arrived at the answer as instructed only to find that she took a completely different path to get to the answer than I thought she should. The odd thing was that the answer was right.  Picture a light bulb floating in the air over my head and brunette angel babes going "AHHHHHHHHHH" in an angel babe way.  Yes, all my angel babes are brunettes so please refrain from picturing them with and other hair colors.  Except maybe one red head.  After completing the visualization exercise we can get back to the blog.  Go ahead, I'll wait.  Sister Wives is on and I love that train wreck.  AND WE"RE BACK!  Equals four! I say.  By golly I have possibly unlocked a little relationship nugget.  Men and women both tend to focus on the outcome.  Equals four.  Now, follow me here, we spend so much time focusing on the outcome of an equation, that we forget to understand that the outcome is not what went right or went wrong.  Understanding the equation and how each of us come to the outcome is what is important.  If you asked me, what equals four?  I would say, two plus two.  Because I am a simple kind of man.  If you ask a woman what equal four, they are more likely to tell you that the time of the month divided by how fat they are feeling plus the square root of  "He loves me, he loves me not" equals four....Duh.  Get where I am going?  We both have the same outcome but have different ways of getting there.  Do people go into a relationship wanting to be unhappy?  Unloved?  Hurt? To hurt? To lie or be lied to?  No!  So why, when we know that we both want the same thing, to be happy, do we wind up getting so messed up along the way?  I submit it is because I know how I would get to four, and she knows how she would get to four, but neither of us take the time to fully understand how the other one gets to four!  So when I try to get Shan to be happy, I take 2 plus 2 and say that should get her to four.  But she doesn't get that.  Same for her, she thinks getting me to four is way more complicated than it really is for me.  So although the solution to the equation is the same for both of us, neither of us can get there because we want to be happy together, which means her understanding how I add things up and me understanding how she adds things up in order for us both to come out happy!  Does it mean I have to get a degree in rocket science?  Yes!  Does it mean she needs to strip things down to the lowest common denominator?  Yep!  But understand, the issue isn't the issue.  An issue is an outcome of an equation.  Bad communication plus work stress equals no kiss when the husband gets home.  So the wife says he doesn't care because he didn't kiss her.  He yells back that it is just a damn kiss and isn't a big deal!  She screams (crying too while clutching her knitting) that it is a big deal because he hasn't been home all day watching kids!  And he storms off to the driving range.  We realize no kiss was the outcome, but the lack of desire on both parts to understand why the other one came to that outcome means it is destined to happen again.  This goes for the positive as well people.  Ever said to your significant other....boy this was a great day, and she says back, the best.  But we don't talk about what made it great for each of us.  That makes the great day difficult to reproduce.  It's why guys keep doing the same thing that worked once but has become stale and old.  I am rambling at this point but you understand where I am going with all of this.  Understand how they get to four, and communicate how you do.